London Life

Reminscing: Bonfires and Summer Nights

burnt marshmallow

Growing up in New England, nothing quite said Summer is here! like long days at the beach with BBQs and bonfires. As I grew up, those beach days, BBQs and bonfires all became excellent excuses for a party. (And as far as I’m concerned, there’s not much that beats a party with the hot, humid New England summer as a backdrop.)

But since moving to London, every summer I find myself a bit homesick and yearning for those New England summers. You see, it just doesn’t get as hot or humid in the summer here (sometimes it’s a blessing, and sometimes I’m cursing wearing knitwear in July!), and the beach is about an hour away by rail – not the 15 minute drive down the road I got used to in my teens.

So when Jeff and I were invited to a friend’s BBQ (with the promise of a campfire once the sun set), we obviously had to say yes!

guitar in the gardenSeveral of the guests had brought their guitars, and they laid out some blankets and had a bit of a sing song. The rest of us gathered ’round the BBQ for burgers and grilled halloumi, commenting on how delicious the food was and how we really do need to get together more often.

We watched the sun set over the surrounding rooftops and garden fences, and once it was fully dark we lit up the campfire! Though not quite the log fires of my New England youth, this tame little fire in a mini outdoor stove was perfectly suitable for a London lifestyle, and totally did the trick in terms of roasting marshmallows.

As it got later we all pulled our hoodies, scarves and blankets taken from the house even tighter, because while we had the BBQ and campfire set up, we definitely didn’t have the hot New England summer nights! And all too quickly, we were off to catch the last tube home…

roasting marshmallows

Oh summer, my favourite season, you come and go too quickly!

(Side note: when I moved out of my hometown, why didn’t I move somewhere with a year-long summer?)


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